Forbidden Actions And Permissible Actions

Pillars, Obligatory Actions, Forbidden Actions And Permissible Actions of Hajj And Umrah in detail.

Difference between Pillars and Obligatory actions

Note 1: Without performing a Rukn (Pillar), Hajj or Umrah will not be complete.

Note 2: Intentionally or unintentionally, if you miss any obligation then penalty
(Sacrificing a Sheep) becomes mandatory to validate your Hajj or Umrah. This sacrifice (sheep) should be done in the area of Haram and the meat should be given to the poor of Makkah. Pilgrims cannot eat anything from this meat.1

Pillars of Umrah

1. Putting on Ihram, make an intention that you are about to begin Umrah.2
2. Circumambulation (Tawaf) of the Kaaba.3
3. Sa’ee (Walking) in between Mount Safa and Mount Marwa.4

Obligatory Actions of Umrah

1. Putting on Ihram from Miqaath and making an intention mentioning the acts of worship in Talbiyah there.
2. Trimming the Hair or Shaving the Head completely.5 

Note: Some scholars consider this as the Pillar

Pillars of Hajj

1. Putting on Ihram, make an intention in heart that you are about to begin Hajj.
2. Staying on the Ground of Arafah after Fore Noon of 9th Zil Hijjah.
3. Performing Tawaf E Ziyarath on 10 Zil Hijjah or thereafter (Tawaf on Arrival)
4. Sa’ee (Walking) in between Mount Safa and Mount Marwa.

Obligatory Actions of Hajj

1. Putting on Ihram from Residence or Miqaath.
2. Staying at the ground of Arafat till Magrib of 9th Zil Hijjah.
3. Spending the night of 10th Zil Hijjah at Muzdalifa.
4. On 10 Zil Hijjah after performing sacrifice, shave off your head or trim them small.

Note: Some scholars considerer it as a Pillar.

1 Muwatta Malik :940
2 Sahih Muslim – 1232
3 Sahih Muslim – 1275
4 Sahih Al Bukhari – 1793
5 Sunna An Nasai – 2987

5. On 10th Zil Hijjah you have to pelt stones at Big Jamrah and on the 11th, 12th
Zil Hijjah pelt 7 stones on all the three Jamarat (7 small stones at each Jamarat) saying
Allaahuakbar. And for those who spend the 13th Zil Hijjah at Mina, they should pelt
stones at all the three Jamarat.
6. Spend the 11th and 12th Zil Hijjah nights at Mina. And if someone wish to stay at mina on 13th he can stay there.
7. Perform Tawaaf-e-Wada (Farewell Tawaf).





Abu ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarraah
رصي الله عنه

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رصي الله عنه

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