Always keep your tongue

Always keep your tongue

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Always keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah.”

A Superior Dhikr

A Superior Dhikr

“Glory be to Allah and praise is due to Him according to the number of His creation and according to the pleasure of His Self and according to the weight of His Throne and according to the ink (used in recording) words (for His Praise)”

Words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah)

Words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say), but very heavy in weight in the balance.

House in Heaven

House in Heaven

Prophet ﷺ: A house will be built in Heaven for one who prays 12 Rak’at in a day and evening as follows:

The uttering of (these words)

The uttering of (these words)

“The uttering of (these words): Glory be to Allah; all praise is due to Allah, there is no true god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest, is dearer to me than anything over which the sun rises.”

 Refuge from hunger

 Refuge from hunger

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from hunger; surely, it is the worst companion. And I seek refuge in You from treachery; surely, it is a bad inner trait.

Proclaimed for the Salaah

Proclaimed for the Salaah

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah